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This document provides an overview of the ai_embedding_vector function in Databend and demonstrates how to create document embeddings using this function.

The main code implementation can be found here.


Databend relies on OpenAI for AI_EMBEDDING_VECTOR and sends the embedding column data to OpenAI.

They will only work when the Databend configuration includes the openai_api_key, otherwise they will be inactive.

This function is available by default on Databend Cloud using our self OpenAI key. If you use them, you acknowledge that your table schema will be sent to OpenAI by us.

Overview of ai_embedding_vector

The ai_embedding_vector function in Databend is a built-in function that generates vector embeddings for text data. It is useful for natural language processing tasks, such as document similarity, clustering, and recommendation systems.

The function takes a text input and returns a high-dimensional vector that represents the input text's semantic meaning and context. The embeddings are created using pre-trained models on large text corpora, capturing the relationships between words and phrases in a continuous space.

Creating embeddings using ai_embedding_vector

To create embeddings for a text document using the ai_embedding_vector function, follow the example below.

  1. Create a table to store the documents:
CREATE TABLE documents (
doc_id INT,
text_content TEXT
  1. Insert example documents into the table:
INSERT INTO documents (doc_id, text_content)
(1, 'Artificial intelligence is a fascinating field.'),
(2, 'Machine learning is a subset of AI.'),
(3, 'I love going to the beach on weekends.');
  1. Create a table to store the embeddings:
CREATE TABLE embeddings (
doc_id INT,
text_content TEXT,
embedding ARRAY(FLOAT32)
  1. Generate embeddings for the text content and store them in the embeddings table:
INSERT INTO embeddings (doc_id, text_content, embedding)
SELECT doc_id, text_content, ai_embedding_vector(text_content)
FROM documents;

After running these SQL queries, the embeddings table will contain the generated embeddings for each document in the documents table. The embeddings are stored as an array of FLOAT32 values in the embedding column, which has the ARRAY(FLOAT32) column type.

You can now use these embeddings for various natural language processing tasks, such as finding similar documents or clustering documents based on their content.